
  • Christopher Dordi Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan
  • Dr.Ansari Ebrahim




Cultural Diversity, SL, Leadership approach, Globalization, Cultural intelligence, Organizational culture (OC)


Cultural diversity can have a significant impact on Strategic Leadership (SL) in IT roles in multinational organizations. This study examines the impact of cultural diversity on SL in IT roles within multinational organizations, using SPSS as the analytic tool and a questionnaire to collect data from 560 participants. The study aims to investigate the relationship between cultural diversity and SL practices in the IT sector. The study employs a quantitative research methodology to analyze the relationships between cultural diversity and SL practices. The questionnaire used measures the participants' perceptions of the impact of cultural diversity on leadership practices, decision-making, communication, and team dynamics. The findings of the study reveal that cultural diversity has a significant impact on SL in IT roles, with a positive correlation between cultural diversity and effective leadership. The analysis conducted using SPSS provides insights into the factors influencing effective leadership, including cultural intelligence (CI), communication strategies, and decision-making processes. The study concludes that strategic leaders in IT roles must possess cultural competence to effectively manage diverse teams and achieve organizational objectives. The findings provide valuable insights for multinational organizations in developing effective strategies for managing cultural diversity in their IT departments and enhancing the quality of their SL.


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