Editorial Team

Editor-in-Chief: Dr Sharon

Editorial Board Member

Dr Oscar Sunny Onuke

Managing Director, Petro-Equip Engineering Co. Ltd, Nigeria.

Research Interest: Efficiency Improvement, Product Improvement, Creative Problem Solving, Root Cause Analysis, Design Implementation, Process Validation.


Dr. Subhasis Roy

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta, 92, A.P.C. Road, Kolkata: 700009, India.

Research Interest: Nano-science and Technology, Nano-materials, Materials related issues in new routes for energy generation, Photovoltaic, Thin Films, Sub micro and nano structures, composites, Thin Films, Sub micro and nano structures, composites, Fuel Cell and Hydrogen energy, Fuel Cell and Hydrogen energy.

E-mail: srchemengg@caluniv.ac.in

Daniela Litan

lecturer professor, (Exact and Engineering Sciences Faculty, Department of Informatics) Hyperion University, Bucharest, Romania

Email ID: litan_daniela@yahoo.com

Research Interest: Communication and Public Relations, Project Management, Psychology, Business Analyst, Computer Science & Information Technology, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, XQuery, ASP.NET

Dr T.Chandrasekar

Associate professor, Shri Andal Alager College of Engineering. College in Mamandur, Tamil Nadu, India

E-mail :chandrasekar1677@gmail.com

Research Interest :Control systems, Generation of Electrical Energy, conservation, utilization, Power quality, Circuit theory, Transmission and distribution, Measurements and instrumentation, Power Plant Engineering.

Akeel Mehdi Kadim Alwan Al- Fatlawi

Doctor Lecturer in Nanotechnology and Laser Optoelectronics Devices, Biomedical Engineering/ College of Engineering, University of Warith Al- Anbiyaa
Karbala/ Iraq.

E-mail : akeel.m.kadim@scbagdad.edu.iq

Research Interest : Nanotechnology and Laser of Optoelectronics Devices

Dr.Eng. Khaled K. M. Sharaf

Assistant Professor in Computer Engineering, Al - Aqsa University - Gaza - Palestine.

Email: ekhsharaf@alaqsa.edu.ps

Research Interest : Computer networks, Information Technology, Computer Science and Engineering

Atun Roy Choudhury

Scientific Officer (Engineer)- Research & Development Cell, Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd., 12th Floor, Ramky Grandiose,
Ramky Towers, Gachibowli, Hyderabad- 500032, Telangana State, India.

Research & Teaching Assistant,
Centre for Skill Development, Department of Civil Engineering, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu, India.

Email: atnroy10@gmail.com

Reserach Interest: Environmental engenieering, Civil Enigneering, Remote Sensing.

Dr. Muhammad Junaid
Lecturer, Department of Physics. The Superior College/ University Multan Campus, Pakistan.


Research interest: Development of Photo Catalyst for the Photo Reduction of CO2 H2, Water Splitting, and Photo Degradation of Organic Pollutants.

Engineer Selamu Paulos
BSc. Civil Engineering; MSc. in Highway Engineering and MSc. in Project Management , Analysis and Evaluation.


Research Interest: Civil Engineering, Highway Construction Materials, Special problems in road construction, Project Management areas, Time and Cost overrun issues.

Ankur Tak

Currently a Director of Information Technology with 15 years of diverse experience as Business Analyst/Systems Analyst/Data Analyst/Scrum Master/Product Owner in the Healthcare industry.

Master’s in computer information systems, American College of Commerce and Technology


Sumanth Tatineni

A Cloud enthusiastic team player having around 10+ years of Experience in IT industry as a DevOps Engineer with proven expertise in Automation, Build/Release Engineering and Software development involving cloud

E-mail: Sumanthtatineni.ts@gmail.com