
  • Christopher Dordi Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan
  • Dr. Ansari Ebrahim



Strategic Leadership, Emerging Technology, Adaptive Learning Programs, Innovative Development, Learning Experience, Student Engagement


Emerging technologies (ET), such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality, have the potential to transform the field of education. However, the implementation of these technologies poses significant challenges to educational institutions and their leaders.  The primary objective of this research is to identify the most significant barriers and advantages of adopting new technologies in education, as well as to determine how strategic leadership (SL) can effectively leverage technology to enhance student outcomes. The study employed a quantitative research design, and data were collected from 445 participants using a questionnaire. The SPSS tool was utilized to analyze the collected data. The findings of this study suggest that while ET in education offers significant opportunities, such as improving student engagement (SE), accessibility, and learning outcomes, there are also significant challenges associated with their implementation. These include lack of funding, inadequate infrastructure, resistance to change, and insufficient professional development opportunities. Moreover, the results indicate that SL plays a vital role in successful technology adoption in education. Leaders who possess the necessary skills and knowledge to integrate technology into the curriculum, provide adequate training for teachers and staff, and allocate sufficient resources are more likely to achieve positive outcomes.


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