
  • Robert Thomson Aix-marseille university,France
  • Julia Anderson Aix-marseille university,France



Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Synergy, Comprehensive Review, Future Directions, Data-driven, Decision-Making, Integration, Innovation, Transformation, Challenges, Opportunities, Ethical Considerations, Privacy, Scalability, Machine Learning


The fusion of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of technological advancement in the digital age. This research paper, titled "Bridging the Gap: Big Data's Influence on AI Algorithms and Models," explores the dynamic relationship between Big Data and AI, specifically focusing on how the vast reservoir of data is reshaping AI algorithms and models. The paper also presents real-world examples and applications where Big Data-driven AI is making a substantial difference, ranging from healthcare and finance to autonomous vehicles and recommendation systems. Ultimately, this research paper provides an in-depth exploration of the ever-evolving landscape where Big Data and AI converge. It emphasizes the significant impact of Big Data on the development of AI algorithms and models, while also underlining the ethical dimensions and challenges associated with this union. As technology continues to progress, it is imperative to bridge the gap between data and AI intelligently, optimizing their synergy for the betterment of society and the world at large.


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