
  • Ene Kotkas, MA Tallinn Health Care College, student, Estonia
  • Kateriina Rannula, BA Tallinn Health Care College, student, Estonia
  • Tiina Titma Tallinn Health Care College, student, Estonia
  • Kristiina Puura, MA Tallinn Health Care College, student, Estonia
  • Marina Kopti, RN Tallinn Health Care College, student, Estonia
  • Diana Sokolova Tallinn Health Care College, student, Estonia
  • Kairi Lenk, MA Tallinn Health Care College, student, Estonia



professional ethics, medical ethics, communication, ethics


Background: Today`s fast-changing world and developments in health care system have indirect or direct effects on communication ethics. More and more unethical situations are faced by health care workers in their professional work. Thus, it is important to address the ethical aspects more seriously already in the learning environment.  

Objective: To describe the students` opinions on learning professional ethics.

Methods: The methodology combines theoretical and empirical parts, semistructured interviews conducted with 47 students were analysed.

Results: All respondents emphasized the importance of learning professional ethics to cope with unethical situations in practice. Students prefer integration of ethics across speciality courses.   

Conclusions: Ethical aspects should be more integrated into speciality studies and ethics simulations should be used as teaching methods.


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