tracer study, expert system, AMIK IndonesiaAbstract
Tracer Study is one method used by several universities, especially in Indonesia to get feedback from alumni. The feedback obtained from these alumni is needed by the university in their efforts to improve and develop the quality and education system. The aim of this study was to develop an e-tracer study that made it easier for AMIK Indonesia's campuses to monitor their graduates and develop intelligent system-based e-tracer studies. Broadly speaking, this study uses data collection methods through literature studies, interviews and observations. While research design uses experiments because it produces products that are decision support systems. The method used to support this research is the FMADM method using the SAW method calculation and the design method used is the waterfall method, which is a systematic and partial software development approach that starts at the level and progress of the system in all analyzes, designs, codes, tests, and maintenance. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the tracker study was built with the Codeigniter and NODE framework. JS uses supporting programming languages such as HTML, CSS, Jquery, JavaScript, JSON, AJAX, Bootstrap as media in interface design. Whereas PHP as server-side and MySQL as database. while the method used for testing the application is White Box Testing and the Black Box method.
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