Frequently Asked Questions

1) Kindly tell us about your publication service.

Ans. We offer publication services for journals indexed in SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Web of Science, SJR, DOAJ, PubMed and UGC. We also provide  Crossref and DOI certificates for the author's research paper. We assist our authors throughout the publication process of their papers.

2) Do EPH publish in languages other than English?

Ans. Yes, We publish research articles in a variety of worldwide languages. Still, we can charge a translation fee for that and ensure that the quality of the journal remains consistent with that of the English language.  

3) Can I get more information about your procedure for publication?

Ans.  The following points describe the publication procedure of EPH.

  1. Send your article in Manuscript files can be in the DOC, DOCX, or RTF file types. so we can check the plagiarism. There's no need to lock or password-protect Microsoft Word documents.
  2. We will review your article and suggest a suitable journal with a complete description through WhatsApp or email or telephonic mode. 
  3. We will suggest a journal description and confirm the journal.
  4. After confirmation of the journal, we will provide you with the letter of acceptance and invoice. 
  5. Once the charges are confirmed, the article is processed with the selected Journal. 
  6. After publication, we provide the official publication URL, DOI and the PDF of the article. 

4) What is the role of impact factors in article rankings?

Ans. The impact factor is often used to assess a journal's relative importance within its area and to calculate the frequency with which the "average article" in a journal has been cited in a given period. The journal with the highest Impact Factor is the one that publishes the most review articles.

At EPH, We are committed to providing the value and quality ranking that the author requires, as well as guaranteeing that the author's paper is received and approved by Metric-based indexed journals such as SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Web of Science, SJR, DOAJ, PubMed, and UGC.

5) Are you providing research guidance?

Ans. Yes, we do offer research guidance to our esteemed authors. Our research guidance team consists of specialists who give research professionals end-to-end research counselling services.

6) Which types of Articles do EPH publish?

Ans. We offer a variety of research publications which includes  Research Article, Review, Case Report, Short Commentary, Short Communications etc.

7) Do you provide a report on the article review?

Ans. Yes, We are providing an article review report. We provide peer review for all papers and format them following the target journal's criteria utilising a double-blind review procedure.

8) What are editorial and peer-reviewed articles in Engineer’s Publication House?

Ans. Our editors ensure the peer-reviewed article's integrity, quality, and general intellectual content, as well as oversee the review process to ensure it is thorough, original, authentic, and current. They are in charge of sustaining the aim and scope of the journal by selecting papers that offer new, original, and significant advances to the author's knowledge.

9) Is the promotion of our research article important before proceeding with publication?

Ans. Yes, it is very much necessary. Using social media networks to engage with your peers and promote your article widely across large reading communities is a better option. This will aid in the peer-review process for your article and will help it to be published in the top indexed journals.

10) Are you providing the DOI?

Ans. Yes, we provide a DOI for your manuscript to give it a digital identity that allows you to track your paper's citations and growth, but this is dependent on the journal you choose.

11) What is the role of ethical practices in the article publications?

Ans. Respecting intellectual property, privacy, and confidentiality, as well as giving appropriate credit to the contributions of other researchers, are all part of ethical practices. Ethics are important components in making research more promising and trustworthy.

12) Are you providing authorship?

Ans. Yes, We provide authorship and also offer multiple authorship facilities through our previous authors and upcoming authors who have the ability for funding as well.

13) How to submit a manuscript for publication?

Ans. Always ensure that your research paper is within the scope of the journal. After writing your peer-reviewed article in accordance with the rules, you will usually need to submit it via an online submission system. This method will allow you to post your article as well as any supporting materials in your article research work that include appealing templates such as creative artwork, figures, graphs, pie charts, tables, spreadsheets, and so on.

14) What are the benefits of making an article open-access?

Ans. Open-access articles are viewed and cited more than articles that have closed access. It increases interdisciplinary activities among other researchers. By enabling your article open access, readers, new authors, and researchers can carry out collaborative research on a global scale from any part of the world at the same time you are demonstrating to the readership that your article work is unique and not plagiarised.