Environmental geotechnology, Erosion, Geomorphology, SoilsAbstract
The urban expansion and the growth of economic activities related to tourism, as well as those related to the port and sea, resulted in the occupation of the Serra do Mar slopes, in the municipality of São Sebastião - SP. This study was carried out in a clearing in an Atlantic Rainforest fragment of 4.8 hectares, located in the municipality of São Sebastião-SP, to provide subsidies to prevent and/or reduce the risks of land slippage on the slope. Thus, this work analyzed, characterized, and described the physiography and the properties of the soils on a slope of an Atlantic rainforest in the municipality of São Sebastião – SP, aiming to obtain a product on the risk of urban occupation. That is why, we used indicators associated with landscape physiography as a feature of slope (slope declivity), anthropic features (deforestation for crop cultivation and cattle raising) and soils (texture and pedogeochemistry). The results recommend structural actions, allowing the implementation of preventive measures such as revegetation of the area, thus minimizing the risks of land slippage and evolution of laminar erosion. Despite the dystrophic soil, the K, Ca and Mg levels only allow the vegetation implementation to be performed using NPK fertilization, reducing costs. Actions such as these are important as a way to prevent economic losses and accidents, since the area presents a Very High classification for mass movement processes.
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