Optimization, osmotic dehydration, toddy, response surface methodologyAbstract
The response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to optimize the effects of immersion time (60,90and 120min), temperature (35, 45 and 55⁰C) and concentration of sucrose solution (30, 40 and 50⁰Brix) in osmotic dehydration of toddy fruit slices (2mm thickness). Box-Behnken Design was used with water loss (WL, %), solid gain (SG, %), and weight reduction (WR, %) as responses. The models obtained for all the responses were significant (P≤0.05) without a significant lack of fit. The optimum conditions were temperature (45°C), immersion time (109.336min), concentration of sucrose solution (40⁰Brix) in order to obtain WL of (29.331g/100g initial sample), SG of (4.265g/100g initial sample) and WR of 25.224 g/100g initial sample, respectively.
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