AI-Driven SQL Injection Prevention: Strengthening Database Security


  • Krishna Chiatanya Chaganti



SQL Injection, AI-based Security, Database Protection


Still a common & serious cybersecurity threat, SQL injection allows the attackers to change database searches & gain illegal access to private information. Although they typically prove insufficient against emerging attack strategies, conventional security measures such as input validation and parameterized searches help to reduce risk. In this sense, artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming database security. Artificial intelligence can find anomalies, quickly identify likely hazards, and project attack paths before they materialize by means of machine learning and behavioral analysis. Unlike conventional rule-based systems, artificial intelligence is always changing to meet new challenges, hence it is a useful tool for improving the defenses against SQL injection. The ability of AI-driven security models to significantly reduce the SQL injection vulnerabilities is investigated in this work. Using AI-driven detection and preventative solutions helps to show an 80% decrease in successful SQL injection attempts. Artificial intelligence evaluates database query patterns and precisely and fast distinguishes between safe and harmful inputs, therefore improving security. Moreover, AI-driven systems can independently control risks, hence lowering reliance on human response times and intervention. Artificial intelligence offers companies trying to protect their data from misuse a proactive and scalable answer as cyber threats develop more complicated. This paper provides a pragmatic analysis of modern security solutions, investigates the possibility of artificial intelligence to restrict SQL injection, and clarifies the science behind their use. Strong database protection provided by the AI-driven security helps companies to proactively reduce risks & guarantee continuous operations by means of the counter measures.

Author Biography

Krishna Chiatanya Chaganti

Associate Director at S&P Global


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