Industry 4.0, Smart City, Mobility, Electric Vehicles - EVAbstract
The field research of this paper was developed at the end of 2018 to survey EV mobility. Qualitative trends were based on indicators developed by consulting firm research reports, quantitative figures were developed using fuel cost values of 4,5 R$/liter. The analysis was divided in three steps: a) evidence of public planning, b) evidence of industry and industry 4.0 systems, and c) evidence of market. Main results of the research are: a) no electric mobility planning was found form institutional evidences. No planning for Smart City initiative in Brasilia, b) no evidence of electric systems and innovation are developed or planned (i.e Industry 4.0 automated drive systems). c) opportunities in market found are: main metropolitan area is worth some three million inhabitants, almost seven including surrounding metropolitan areas with millions vehicles to be converted to ev, public transportation and urban delivery most interesting niches of market; threats: no fiscal incentives and infrastructure of electric posts able to sustain car supply, no offer for electric/hybrid cars and conversion kits. This part of an external strategic analysis give the orientation to develop urban transportation vehicles and buses (public transportation) taxi, buses, vans, light trucks and motorcycles ,used for delivery, offers. These are interesting segments mostly because of increasing operational cost mainly due to gasoline costs.
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