Surface Mining, Environmental Planning, Reclamation of Degraded AreasAbstract
This research was conducted in order to evaluate the technical and managerial procedures practiced by a company that carried out the bauxite mining, according to the reference coordinates 23S 343200/7587100, in the municipality of Poços de Caldas – Minas Gerais, with regard to its proposals contained in its Degraded Areas Recovery Plan. The methodology adopted was carried out in four distinct phases: bibliographic research, field data survey through technical visit, analysis of its Degraded Area Recovery Plan and use of geoprocessing techniques for the preparation of two maps: Digital Terrain Model and Slope Map, both prepared by ArcGIS, version 10.3. In addition, aerial images were used in order to compare over the years 2005, 2007, 2015 and 2017. The results obtained recommend topographic leveling actions. The smoothing of the area was not effective, which caused erosive processes present in certain cultivated areas, directly affecting the development of local vegetation. In relation to the techniques of exploitation and reforestation, it was noted that the company adhered to extremely common procedures in the region, such as the use of the method of open pit mining and reforestation with eucalyptus plantations.
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