Buildings, Designers, Maintainability, Operability, Process ModelAbstract
It is no longer news that global building developers are required to ensure that the buildings they design and construct are expected to be sustainable and energy efficient; operated in such a manner as to use no more fuel and power than is reasonable in the circumstances. However, it is widely believed across the globe that buildings underperform in terms of capacity to deliver value, even in the face of new technologies fitted in the buildings. How these new and innovative technologies can be operated and maintained long into the future is yet to be given the desired attention, more so in Nigeria and other developing countries where maintenance culture appears to be elusive. This paper therefore sought to explore a best practice approach that could ensure that buildings in Nigeria are efficiently operated and maintained long into the future. Findings indicate that there is a need for change in the way buildings are delivered to the end-users if they must remain sustainable, and that there is need for clients to be placing demand on designers for proof of operability and maintainability from inception. The study seeks to identify and analyse existing maintainability regime in the UK with a view to identifying their barriers and enablers as effective maintainability approach, vis-à-vis the Nigerian environment.
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