“Seismic vulnerability analysis, Fragility curves, Pile-supported wharf structures”Abstract
Seismic vulnerability assessment of structures is usually illustrated in the form of fragility curves. These curves show the probability that a component, element or system will be damaged to a given or more severe damage state as a function of a single predictive demand parameter. In addition, these curves are useful for seismic risk assessment and performance based design engineering, as well as prioritization of retrofitting programs. This paper reviews recent works on the seismic vulnerability analysis of pile-supported wharf structures. Different aspects for each paper are reviewed in terms of characteristic of the selected pile-supported wharf structure, institution and procedure of numerical modeling, capabilities of numerical models, analysis method for seismic response evaluation, ground motion records, damage states, intensity measure and obtained results. This paper shows that very limited studies have been performed on the seismic vulnerability of pile-supported wharves indicating a clear need to the development and application of fragility analysis of pile-supported wharf structures.
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