Pomegranate peels and leave crude juices, Polyphenols, Flavonoids, Herbicidal and fungicidal activitiesAbstract
The present study aimed to through some light on the herbicidal and fungicidal activities of pomegranate peels and leave crude juices. Therefore, leave and peels of pomegranate plants were manually separated and mechanically pressed to obtain their crude juices. Pomegranate juices were tested in vitro for herbicidal activities against five weed seeds (Avena fatua L., Polypogen monspeliensis L., Imperata cylindrical, Capsella bursa pastoris L. and Amaranthus retroflexus L.). Fungicidal activities were conducted against six fungi (Fusarium solani, Fusarium moniliforme, Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctonia solani, Pythium splendes and Pythium ultimum). Pomegranate crude juices reduced to variable degrees the various weed seed germination. Both juices were found to be effective in reduction of mycelia growth for all tested fungi. Pomegranate peels crude juice induced pronounced effect on the germination inhibition and fungi mycelia growth for the aforementioned weed seeds and fungi under study than that of leave crude juice. These results coincided with the data of total phenolic and flavonoid contents of pomegranate crude juices since their values were higher in peels crude juice than in leave crude juice. The results of tested parameters led to suggest that the pomegranate peels crude juice can be used as a safe agent, non-toxic and environmental friendly to possess herbicidal and fungicidal activities.
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