Planned lead-time, periodic order quantity, uncertainty, Monte-Carlo simulation, Probabilistic lead-time, partial backorderingAbstract
In this paper deals with material requirement planning for a three levels production and assembly system with several types of components and one type of product, in multi periods. We assume that components lead-times are probabilistic. A MRP approach with periodic order quantity (POQ) policy is used for planning of components. We consider a new approach for modeling MRP when all components lead-times are probabilistic and in this model consider to partial backordering and defect rate for all components in MRP models, which has apparently not been studied before. The objective is minimizing sum of the all components holding cost, final product partial backordering cost, final product holding cost and setup costs. The main policies in this model determine the periodic order quantity, and planned lead-times. Monte-Carlo simulation used to generate numerous scenarios based on the components lead-time, and by using Monte-Carlo simulation, we can find the suitable solution for this problem.
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