Induction motor, Fuzzy logic controller (FLC), direct torque control (DTC), PI controllerAbstract
Induction motor has many application in the industries due to its low maintenance and robustness. The speed control of induction motor is very important to obtain maximum torque and efficiency. This paper presents a method for improving the speed control of 3-phase induction motors (IM) using hybrid direct torque controller (DTC)/Fuzzy logic controller (FLC) techniques. A complete simulation of the conventional DTC and closed-loop for speed control of a 3-phase IM was tested using SimuLink. The speed control of the IM is done by using the conventional proportional integral (PI) controller and FLC. The proposed FLC has a nature of PI controller to determine the torque reference for the motor. The effect of variation of the speed reference trajectories on the dynamic response has been clearly tested for both conventional and FLC speed controllers. The simulation results showed a better dynamic performance of the induction motor when using the proposed DTC/FLC in comparison with a fixed PI controller. Also, the DTC/FLC has improved the speed control of the IM over a wide range of operating conditions.
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