Information Quality, Information Projects, Information Systems, Project Management, Quality ManagementAbstract
The requirement to establish a quality model has been felt by users for the purpose of evaluating the software quality quantitatively and qualitatively.
Information quality literature has provided a great amount of proposals for assessing the quality of information, but there is still a need to develop frameworks for assessing and improving the quality of information from the information consumer and the organizational point of view in the perspective of the information project classification. Moreover, for each dimension there must be set a clear definition what it represents, in order to be able to compare it for any type of Information Project (i.e. Information System) throughout its life cycle [2].
In order to improve the quality of information projects, it is required to present an information project quality improvement model that can be iterative measured and improved, during a period of time. Quality improvement is an iterative process that requires planning, execution, checks and feedback from the information consumers (IS users) in the organization. By this process, during a certain time frame, the quality of the project can be improved and reach higher business performances. Therefore, the quality activities are performed on a time scale, all along with the project's life cycle, in order to achieve an effective improvement of the project quality.
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